e are several ways you can make donations to help support Murray County Humane Society. We are 501c3 organization so all donations are tax deductible.
Make a direct monetary donation safe and easy via paypal.
Or you may mail your donation to Murray County Humane Society PO Box 796 Chatsworth, GA 30705.

Kroger Community Rewards (NPO # 52367 Murray County Humane Society)
Kroger will pay up to $1,000,000 on a quarterly basis to participating organizations based on their percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending of all participating Kroger Community Rewards organizations. Individual groups are able to earn up to $50,000 per quarter. Kroger limits a quarterly household contribution to $300. It costs participants nothing out of pocket. Kroger donates based on your shopping. Participants must re-enroll annually. By participating the the Community Rewards program, you can help raise funds for Murray County Humane Society. **Please note each participant must re-enroll each year on April 1st. Click on this link to open the instructions on how to link your Kroger card to Murray County Humane Society's Community Rewards Account. **This does not affect your Fuel Points earned at Kroger. Kroger_-_Help_Support_Causes_in_Your_Community.doc

Donate MUCH needed supplies that help keep our rescue running.
From cat litter to paper towels - toys to trash bags - our furry friends need it all. Here is a list of items we are always in need of to help care for the animals we currently have.
You may bring items directly to the foster facility at 12097 Hwy 225 N Crandall, GA 30711 when a volunteer is there to assist you. Or you may set up a time & place for a volunteer to meet at another location by calling 706-686-5555 & leaving a message about making arrangements.

You don’t have to open your wallet. Just your heart. Volunteering is a great way to improve the lives of our shelter pets. Quality time with shelter animals has a positive and long-lasting effect on their well-being. Show your compassion. Volunteer today! Our shelter always needs volunteers…and here are just a few of the benefits of volunteering: You’ll join a network of hundreds of people working to make the world safe and more humane for all animals. You’ll make the jobs of everyone working for shelter animals a little easier by lending a hand and spreading the message of responsible pet ownership. You will never find a more grateful and accepting companion than an animal you have comforted. Fill out form & return via email. VOLUNTEER_APPLICATION___RELEASE.doc
*** Please note – due to liability volunteers wishing to volunteer AT the foster facility must be 16+ years.

Amazon Smile
Amazon Smile program donates each time you purchase through this link Amazon Smile and select Murray County Humane Society. When first visiting AmazonSmile, customers are prompted to select a charitable organization. In order to browse or shop at AmazonSmile, customers must first select a charitable organization. For eligible purchases at AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to the customer’s selected charitable organization.

Would you consider opening your home up for a week or so to help save a life? We provide food and all medical for foster while the pet stays at your home. Fostering helps save lives. We just require you to complete a form and allow for home inspection to make sure your home is approved. Dog Foster application or Cat Foster application
Support your local animal organization simply by walking your dog! Use the app each time you grab for the leash. It’s healthy for you, your dog, and your favorite shelter or rescue.
Go to WoofTrax website. Click “Get the App” at the top of the page, install the free Android or iPhone app, and start taking your Walk for a Dog every day. The more people walking for a shelter or rescue, the more we can donate.
By enrolling today, every time you receive paid texts offers from our advertisers you know that you have just earned money for Murray County Humane Society.
Go to I-texts Program & download the app. Complete your profile. You will receive 2-3 texts per day but you are not required to open the text or even purchase anything. Donations are made based upon the no. of people who sign up to receive the text messages. The more people who sign up, the more money that is donated.